Splendour Euphoria

Freyeephoto X Sticks and Stones Agency put Byron's finest together for this little Splendour shoot.  They unquestionably nailed this year's Splendour festival style.
We are overwhelmed with the outpour of fashion influencers and festival goers rocking our favorite pieces. There was a sea of fallenBROKENstreet hats in every tent. You all looked amazing. Can you believe that Splendour 2017 has already come and gone? We can't. Hope you all stayed warm ; )
Well done guys! Until next year. Cheers- xx
SHOP our featured collection now!
Photo: @freyeephoto
Production/ Styling/ AD: @freyeephoto X @sticks_and_stones_agency
Hair/ Styling @calleja_artistry

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